A Network Management Framework for Spatiotemporal Control of Nutrient Pollution

A Network Management Framework for Spatiotemporal Control of Nutrient Pollution

El Dr. Ruiz Mercado. Team leader en Environmental protection Agency, EE.UU. da la charla Inaugural del Master 2019: A Network Management Framework for Spatiotemporal Control of Nutrient Pollution

Gerardo Ruiz Mercado

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Nutrient pollution, especially phosphorus (P) for freshwater and nitrogen (N) for marine water, are causing excessive richness of nutrients, low or depleted dissolved oxygen (hypoxia), the development of harmful algal blooms (HABs), and other ecosystem responses. HABs set severe health threats due to the release of toxins and the increment of hypoxia. Also, HABs lead to significant economic losses since they affect tourism, recreational and commercial activities. However, the transport of nutrients polluting water bodies is a space-time phenomenon that involves multiple scales and is tightly related to the geography of croplands surrounding the water bodies and the intensive use of fertilizers. In this contribution, a holistic approach is proposed for integrating multiple modeling tools to analyze the relationship between nutrient releases, nutrient transport, and HABs development. It shows how the nutrient concentration in water bodies and other environmental factors over time and space are related to HABs, and how individual and network management of organic waste can be used to conduct spacetime studies on nutrient pollution and HAB events. Specifically, it shows that network management can be used to control HABs by strategically using nutrient recovery, waste storage systems, and enabling nutrient mobilization via waste transportation. Therefore, by designing efficient coordination network strategies for organic waste; it is possible to balance and recycle nutrients more effectively, control the timing of toxic bloom occurrence, and find which locations are suited to reduce the nutrient impact to ambient water.

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